Bookstores and Libraries

Quantity discounts for returnable trade paperbacks

Assorted 10 or more copies: 50%
5-9: 40%
2-4: 30%
1 copy: 20%


We accept purchase orders by postal mail or by e-mail. We’re delighted when we receive payment within 30 days from the date of invoice, but we also understand when things don’t move so quickly. If we require prepayment on a particular order, we will inform you promptly. You will be invoiced when the last item on your order is shipped. We will follow any special instructions that are listed on purchase orders regarding shipping and billing addresses, number of copies of the invoice, and delivery date requirements. Unless prior arrangements have been made in writing, shipping costs will be added to the customer’s invoice.


Overstock may be returned from 90 days until 12 months after the date of invoice. Credit will not be issued for books returned beyond one year. All postage and shipping charges on returns must be paid by the customer. Please be sure to pack your returns properly, as we will not be able to accept items damaged in transit due to poor packaging. Returned books must be clean, unmarked, unlabeled, salable copies of editions currently in print. Credit will not be issued for books with the following damage: stickered, scratched, bent, or torn pages, covers, or corners; stained or faded pages or covers; damaged spines; ink marks; box cutter damage; any other damage as declared by GenPop Books.


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Reviewers & Teachers

Review and examination copies of trade paperbacks

Publications and individual reviewers may request a free copy of a title they intend to review.

Instructors may request a title they wish to consider for classroom use. Requests should include the title of the book, the name of the school and course, projected enrollment, and your mailing address.

Desk copies of trade paperbacks

If your bookstore has already placed an order, one free desk copy is available for each class in which the book is taught. A desk copy should not be requested if an examination copy has already been received. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.


[email protected]