GenPop Books’ debut title, Alan Semerdjian’s In the Architecture of Bone, receives thoughtful attention from K.T. Mitchell at The Adirondack Review:

If a culture could be recreated with words, Alan Semerdjian has built a veritable microcosm of the Armenian lifestyle in his most recent poetry collection, In The Architecture of Bone. . . . an anthropological look at the psychological difficulties his immigrant elders faced after they arrived in America, specifically, their adjustment to suburban life after escaping ethnic cleansing. . . . Semerdjian masterfully reproduces the process of how these memories are suppressed in ‘The Grandchildren of Genocide,’ but in describing the process of suppression he uncovers the worst memories. . . . In acknowledging the sheer stroke of luck his grandfather had in the face of horror, Semerdjian makes In The Architecture of Bone a tribute to all of the people who suffered because of their ethnicity and applauds the strength of those who continued in their traditions in spite of being cut off from their home lands.

[Read the full review here.]

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